7 Important Tips to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

7 Important Tips to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), causes inflammation and pain in your joints. Hand, knee, and ankle joints are commonly affected joints, and the disease usually affects both sides of the body, e.g., both hands and knees. RA can, however, also lead to problems in other parts of the body, such as the eyes, heart, circulatory system, and lungs.

Researchers can’t figure out why people develop rheumatoid factors. It is believed that these individuals might have specific genes that are triggered by environmental factors, such as viruses or bacteria, physical or emotional stress, or some other external factor.

It is a chronic condition that cannot be cured. However, recent medical advances have offered patients with RA a much better quality of life.

Patients with RA are typically prescribed combinations of medicines with active pharma ingredients such as Baricitinib or Tofacitinib, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Other treatments, such as surgery, may also be required.

This article aims to introduce you to the various treatment options for RA and explain what each one involves.

Tips to Deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis

You can experience drastic changes in your life if you are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. You might have difficulty taking on daily tasks and enjoying your favorite hobbies due to the morning stiffness and inflamed joints. To manage your RA, you can follow these effective tips.

Building a relationship with your doctor 

With your doctor’s assistance, you can perform a proactive role in managing your RA. Work with your doctor to understand the details of your treatment plan. Make sure you’re aware of the medications prescribed by your doctor and contain Baricitinib or other salts like tofacitinib. Keep a daily pain journal to understand your RA symptoms day-to-day better, and talk to your doctor about it.

Regular exercise

You can strengthen the muscles around your joints for better support by exercising. Maintaining the flexibility of your joints is crucial to preventing a range of motion loss. Moreover, exercise relieves the pain and inflammation associated with joints. Low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming, or stretching are popular among people with RA. 

Equipped diet

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is always a wise decision. Eating healthy reduces inflammation. 

Various fishes, including salmon, trout, tuna, and sardines, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which inhibit chemicals called cytokines that promote inflammation. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids ease joint pain and shorten the time you get stiff in the morning.

Moreover, you should eat colorful fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants that protect your body against free radical damage. Whole grains, such as oatmeal, brown rice, and barley can protect your body against free radical damage. C-reactive protein, a sign of inflammation, is lower in people who eat whole grains.

What is the best treatment for rheumatoid arthritis?

RA treatment focuses on controlling inflammation, relieving pain, and decreasing the disability associated with the disease. Effective treatment begins at an early stage. Nowadays, joint damage can be slowed or stopped with the help of modern treatments. 

The anti-rheumatoid drugs will slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis

Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKs). DMARDs that inhibit JAK2 are a new type of DMARD that may be helpful for people who cannot take traditional DMARDs or who are not seeing improvements from traditional DMARDs. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) and baricitinib (Olumiant) are among the most commonly used JAK inhibitors.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medicines for rheumatoid arthritis

People often take pain management medications with RA. According to your condition and the treatment plan you discuss with your doctor, you may need to take these medications temporarily, during a flare-up, or every day. It includes-

Drugs that reduce inflammation (NSAIDs). An NSAID reduces inflammation and relieves pain. If your doctor suggests over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, or if stronger NSAIDs are prescribed, you may need to take them.

Physical and Occupational Therapy

You can improve your quality of life in many ways with physical therapy and occupational therapy. A plan of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis would not be complete without them.

Exercise plans are available from physical therapists, as is instruction on how to use heat and ice, therapeutic massage, and encouragement.

They help you handle daily activities, such as using the computer and cooking, in a more comfortable manner with pain relief. In addition, they can assess whether any gadgets can facilitate your activities.


RA can’t be cured, but treatment can manage your symptoms, reduce your pain, and slow joint damage. Depending on the severity of your RA and your general health, you will have different treatment options.

Medication with salts Baricitinib or Tofacitinib, physical and occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes might be included in treatment.


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